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时间:2019-07-11 10:54:36 来源:21444下载网

[变形金刚2攻略]《变形金刚2卷土重来》攻略(Transformers revenge of the fallen),给大家带来详细的[变形金刚2攻略]《变形金刚2卷土重来》攻略(Transformers revenge of the fallen)介绍,大家可以阅读一下,希望这篇[变形金刚2攻略]《变形金刚2卷土重来》攻略(Transformers revenge of the fallen)可以给你带来参考价值。

《变形金刚 2 卷土重来》攻略(Transformers revenge of the fallen) Autobot AUTOBOT Chapter 1: Task one: At first you operated Bumblebee, and when you arrived at the appointed site, you demanded the extermination of all enemies。 After the mission, there will be a number of enemies, after the eradication of the enemy from the sky。 Simple combat can wipe out all enemies easily。 When enemies defend, they can throw objects or fight with each other。 Task two: To stop the enemy from going to SAM's school。 The enemy are all cars, and they are a little bit faster。

After catching up, you should beat the enemy back to the robot for the first time。 When you chase, be sure to run。 At the front, hit it back to the robot。 When the rest of the enemy comes, give it a kick and then focus on it。 The first two groups of enemies were good enough to deal with, the third batch of many, and scattered, but still chasing the front。 If any enemy icon is blinking, hurry up and chase that one。 When driving more shortcut, from residential areas over the robot form and to utilize the automobile form。

Task three: Block a police car。 The enemy's weapon will fire the bullet missile all the way, use the object to throw, then then can attack, and suggest that after throwing, can approach immediately, and use the fighting attack。 After a fight, the enemy will flee, catch up and fight, after a few rounds came to the chemical plant, after the battle, the task is completed。 Task four: Radar and energy facilities must be destroyed to keep the enemy from gaining resources。 Radar and power installations can be destroyed on cue from maps, although there is time limit for site switching, but the task is not very difficult。

It should be noted that the enemy is intervened at second locations and needs to be taken care of。 Second chapters: Task five Driving Jazz destroys gas stations。 Jazz is fast, and the purple light on the road is extra time。 The icon of the object is marked with the explosion, damage can continue along the way。 The police a lot, but can open, the appropriate use of NO2 acceleration, the task is very simple。 Task six Cover sir, this time with iron。 It's a simple task, but a little bit of test driving skills, jazz blood will continue to reduce, only to the iron sheet rushed to the rescue scene (Lv Guangchu)。

Need to use things thrown in the past to attack it, otherwise it will put you off。 Every time the rescue, jazz blood will be full, so do not worry about what, all the way to accelerate the green light after the automatic story, do not have to worry about speeding up over the green light。 The last enemy is the mixer。 Only by throwing it into the ground with a thrown object, and then throwing the enemy up and throwing it out can it cost blood, the enemy is weak, and the speed is slow。 Task seven At last, our lovely Optimus Prime, weapons and fights are powerful。

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